Friday, 14 January 2011

New Gunpla!! YES!! :DD And Work in progress

 So this is it, my Christmas present! And Christmas was more or less 3 weeks ago...humm...yeahh...never mind...I don't blame HLJ, I do blame the traffic problems that where caused by the bad weather in Europe and the stupid guys that stopped this package from entering to my country...

This is my first Master Grade! Yes! Finally after building 4 HG's I'll finally have the pleasure of touching and looking a beautiful and huge Master Grade...
The thing that surprised me the most was that the pieces where almost the same as the HG's in terms of size, I was shocked xD, I was expecting something little bigger, and I know who's fault is....internet as always xDD
Not that I am disappointed, not really, I had the same feeling with my first HG, and I would get it too if it was a SD or a PG...while watching and reading stuff on the internet, like this model and so, sometimes it gives  the feeling of being something bigger...and at least to me it did...

I must mention my friend ZackFair_Buster, from AstrayGamer for ordering one of this guys for me...I really wanted it, but I couldn't pre order it, and so he did it for me. Thanks my friend :) Obrigado rapaz ;)
I don't have the HG Qan[T] but this means that I will get it soon, at least I pretend to...maybe around March, because there will be a anime convention near my house, like 5 minutes by car and there will be a couple stores selling gunpla ( I wish) and I hope to find there the Qan[T]...

The previous releases from 00Variations are really like, one colour only, and normally it's white, so when they announced this, the prototype was all grey, and I really liked it, but...bahhh...I don't want Qan[T] to carry a big white block on it's back, so when they showed that it would come with clear pieces and with this blue colour, I knew this was a must buy! 

Only two runners, one for the clear green pieces, and the other runner 00 Exia's and 00's usual blue colour, the construction guide comes inside the magazine, and it's really easy to follow up, because it comes in colours, it also includes a tutorial on how to make the HG Qan[T] look better, and how to make the whole Full Saber look even better, so it includes special modifying sections that I don't pretend to follow up but they seem really interesting, and it's a shame that I can't ready I will only paint it with it's colour's. I only need to get the grey tone that 00 HG's use...

It also comes with pictures on how to adapt it to other 00 HG models, all it's functions and forms...if you don't have it...please, DO GET IT!! :D

Work In Progress

Here it is how he is looking like so far...

Side shot.

I am really enjoying building it, it is a whole new concept for me, since this is my First Master Grade...
Sometimes I get confused with the runners when building HG try to imagine myself searching for the runners while building this...they are a lot really!! I don't know if quantity here means quality but from what I have seen, yes it does mean! :)

I am trying to take things slow, because I have lots of time to build this, and so I don't have to hurry and build this...I'll take it easy, because most of the fun happens while building it, getting gunpla is not only for the final result, is for the building process, which is also very important, so I want to flavour every second while building this bad boy here xDD

So let me know what you think about MG Red Frame, if you have it and like it or don't, and let me know what's your opinion on the Full Saber too! 

I'll try to bring Unicorn's Review up tomorrow, I only need to make the photo session (sun light would be helpful), now with MG Red I know my time will surely be reduced but I will try!

Thanks for reading!

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