Monday, 7 March 2011

07/03/11 - Modelling Talk and Updates

So yeah, starting with the updates, I decided doing a small break at gunpla, and so I bought this 1/144 Revell F-14 Black Tomcat costed me 7€ + transports which costed me 4€ 11€ for a small really good looking model...

As I got it I opened the box and was amazed by the pieces and stuff, really well detailed, my only modelling experience besides gunpla was my  1/600 HMS Belfast, and well it was a really old model so I +/- knew what I would be getting...though I got really surprised by the quality of the model that doesn't look like weak plastic comparing to the Belfast...

I have some passion for aircraft stuff, and I also watched Macross anime series, so besides Gundams, aircraft stuff is one of my passions, my favourite aircraft is of course the F-14...maybe because I love it's design and because it was used in the Macross Zero OVA and because the first VF...was actually based on the F-14 xD

So I got this kind of obsession by the F-14...that ability of the wings to retract and stuff...damn...the 1/144 model includes that so yeah, I want to see that in action...

This will be the first model that I will be fully painting it...(on its original colour scheme), and use it's own decals :D (which includes Playboy Bunnies xDD, Though I might not use them....)

So it's a way I practice before I go to my next gunpla projects, where I'll do my first modifications, scratch build things and use other colour I can finally join the league of gunpla pro modellers xDD ( I wish :P)

Sorry for my lack of news and stuff, I have been really busy lately, and don't have time neither patience to sit here and be writing for hours...

Though I have some stuff to put here on the future...also this month and the next will be really busy months...

Next weekend I'm going to a local anime event called Iberanime LX 2011, so I'll be taking some pictures and maybe videos and post them here ^^

The March 19 and 20 weekend I'll be going on a school trip to a 300KM far city, and we'll be there the whole weekend, so maybe a couple more pictures...

And in April I'll have my graduation trip, where I'll be going to Barcelona for a week, so...MORE PICTURES ^^

I'll be doing gunpla too, but my next project will only be in April...if I don't get what I want this next weekend at Iberanime... :P

So thanks for reading, this huuge text stuff...hope you visit me more, comment more... because I'll be posting here some good stuff!!

See you next time!!

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