Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Work In Progress - 1/144 "Lost in Battle" - Part 1

So, I started checking some of works for the Europe Gunpla Cup 2011 over at MAC Forums, I got really inspired for a diorama I started wondering which projects I could do, I already have 2 or 3 on paper, and one of them I started working on 3D, so I could get a better sense of dimensions, but those projects are now on hold...

Yesterday I bough a set of Tamiya Weathering master, and I'd love to use that on I decided I'd start a new project, and that I'd do simple scratch build stuff, because I bought ton of pla plates a few days ago, so it would be two birds one stone...

While checking some blogs, and tutorials for weathering and stuff, I stopped at DC23's blog that you can check here and I checked everything he had there, and I loved the snow diorama, so I decided I'd do also a diorama, with snow.

I guess it'll be three birds, one stone!!

So the story of this diorama, is simple, during a war, the One Year War most probably, a Mobile Suit dropped his weapon and got "lost in battle", normally war uses many resources so everything is done with the minimum resources possible, to be more quantity and less quality...

This weapon is one of those victims by the rush of making weapons, the Idea was to be a Bazooka, much more like Unicorn Gundam's bazooka but as I went doing this work it got into a different thing...this is the result so far of more or less 4 hours of work.
  I first started by drawing a handle, that could fit in a Gundam's hand, this is the HGUC unicorn's hand... 
  This is the body of the weapon, a normal pen, in this case, a pen that I have for like...10 years or so, I don't really use it, so let's give it some use shall we? :)

After gluing the handle to the body this was the result, as you can see, HGUC Unicorn can easily carry it :)

Every weapon has some kind of sight, being it a iron sight, laser sight, scope, I made a simple scope, that fits the overall design of the weapon

Since this a weapon that is weak in terms of resistance, it has this 3 rings, that strengthens the whole structure of the weapon

Here I added a Magazine clip for the weapon, as you can see, it's design is like a triangle, but that's due to the design of the pen, that's something you have to take on consideration when making a scratch building project :)

In here I added a secondary support handle, so that a Mobile Suit could use the weapon with both hand, and on the end of the weapon I added it's "butt"..

Just made the structure with pla plate and then filled with putty, which I'm leaving to dry over night so that It'll be ready when I sand it tomorrow, to give it it's final shape

Tcharam! Here it is the weapon's main structure is finally done, it only took me in total...hum...6 hours or so, to make's my first attempt to scratch build something, and well so good I guess :)
Stick around for more work in progresses on this small diorama, with this diorama, I expect to make two or three simple tutorials, one of them it's scratch building, another will be decals, and if I get it well, the third one will be weathering :)
See you next update!

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