Sunday, 29 January 2012

My first Gunpla Youtube Video! :D

Hello guys! Been away a bit but, I'm gonna leave here a video I did today it's just the video of my first diorama, it's short but I like it a lot, was very easy to make on Sony Vegas, so yeah, I might start making more of these!

See you all next post, and here is the video!

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Life Update

Hello guys! So I've been a bit off from this blog, it's like a little retirement, I finished my RG Zaku II a couple weeks ago, so no more Gunpla projects to do, so I'm retiring a bit from Gunpla, and gonna restart painting some special mini figures from Gears of War The Board Game I had as a christmas gift, it's amazing, the figures are so detailed, the same or more details as Warhammer figures, so I can't wait to start painting those small monsters ehehe ^^

31 Figures if I am not mistaken, so that'll be my next project...still have to buy a lot of paints but with time I'll buy them and paint the figures and yeah it's a project that will take some weeks.

College again, takes a hell lot of time from me, the semester finished last week and now we will have 1 month break for exams and all that, I managed to escape all of them by ending with positive marks at all classes so yeah I'm happy ahaha..

I'm almost one week on college break but I got a new PS3 game that it's taking some of my time, Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3, it's an amazing game! I got it on Saturday and I think I've spent like 40 hours on it already, it's so addictive ahaha ^^

I'm also hanging out with friends, going out at night and everything, trying to enjoy this break time, to do stuff I wasn't able to do during this past few months with much frequency

Hope it's everything ok with you guys :)
See you all next post! Thanks for reading ;)

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

10000 Views Special - 2011 Review and 2012 Preview - Part 2

Yo! Welcome to part 2 eheh, hope you guys had an amazing 2011, and a great new years party, I sure did :D

I'm good as new, new motivation and new strength for gunpla projects ehehe, so just to start, a list of the works I did this 2011 year.

So three projects that got to feature my gallery, but I also did others, like MG Red Frame, RG RX 78-2, and RG Zaku II as I painted some warhammer figures.

So this 2011 was a bit full in a way. Hope this 2012 year goes the same way...

Now the reviews of the Unicorn and Age series, Unicorn OVA's so far so good, you see the cool old designs and the overall look of the designs are always the same as the others from the UC universe, so it just gets a modern feel, and I love it! Designs like Unicorn, Jesta, Delta+, amazing amazing! They keep their inspirations in previous series like, Zeta Gundam and GM's...but in such a new, fresh and modern look :)

The OVA just got exciting now with the Banshee Unicorn gundam...I wonder... how will be the fight between those two titans :D

Gundam Age series, well better than I was expecting to be honest, still it's not amazing, neither great, it's just normal, the story itself is weird, you feel like each episode you don't see anything, it's so simple, some series in a 20 min episode you see so much that you don't remember half of the stuff, in Age so far, it runs in a slow pace, and them jumps a lot, then runs slow again...don't wanna judge too much before seeing it all...

The Designs, well, some are ok, some are BAD! The G-Exes is probably the best one, I could see that one living in the same universe as 00 Gundam, the designs are similar in a lot of ways, ( the designer is the same so that might be the reason...)

The bad guys design is awful it's so plain, so weak, so fragile, the Genoace, it's so ugly, something supposed to be a Mass Produced MS, it's more like a colony construction MS, it's so can't even beat one of the bad guys... =/

Well...I gotta go to college ahaha so see you guys next post! :)

Part 3 coming soon!